Blog 10

Title Starting a new stage. Date 06/12/16
Starting point: Start of Stage one
Target for this lesson? To understand the basics of the new stage.
Did I reach my target? (add details to "Lesson Review") I did work out the basics of the new stage but still had some bumps along the way.
Lesson Review
How did I learn? What strategies were effective?
This week I think that taking it slow was the best option for me as we were just getting into the meat of the new topic and personally it was very confusing but luckily with the help of my partner, Spencer, he was able to teach me about the basics of doing the code so that is why I think for this lesson taking it slow, understanding everything about the code before just jumping into the script taught me a lot about what I am actually writing down means instead of just mindlessly writing script that I don't know or understand.
What limited my learning? Which habits do I need to work on?
I think that although I did take it slow and be very careful about everything it did tremendously slow me down compared to our usual speed of work and I am basically the only one to blame for this as I am not a quick writer or proofreader I took it extra slow in the lesson and that took a tole on the amount of work that me and my partner were doing.
What will I change for next time? How will I improve my learning?
I think now that I know the basics of the new stage I won't spend as much time on every single detail of the code and trust myself more on what I am doing instead of automatically assuming that I have made some horrible or little mistake in my code. So overall in the next lesson I will hopefully work a lot faster and also trust myself more with what I am doing.
Written on December 13, 2016