Blog 14

Title: Python 3rd lesson Date: 30/01/17
Starting point: 19%
Target for this lesson? To get 23% into Python
Did I reach my target? (add details to "Lesson Review") No I only got to 20% due to the final exercise on one of the stages which completely through me and my partners into a whole storm of confusion and failed attempts which luckily for homework I completed with thanks to my Dad who is especially good at this sort of thing.
Lesson Review
How did I learn? What strategies were effective?
Experimentation. This was my way to work this lesson and although most weeks I say Teamwork this lesson I think that experimenting with different things really helped me as although these ideas wouldn't always work I could still learn from them and what I did wrong inside them which overall lead me to the answer in the stage given.
What limited my learning? Which habits do I need to work on?
As I have mentioned previously the final exercise I did held me back the most as I easily spent around 10-15 minutes on it which could’ve been spent much more efficiently. But despite this I think that the exercise in question did actually benefit me more than hinder me as I really learnt the time and precision I will need to do well in IT.
What will I change for next time? How will I improve my learning?
Next time I will not change anything as I think I worked very efficiently but I just didn’t get as far as I usually do or would like to.
Written on February 1, 2017