Blog 16

Title: Python 4th lesson Date: 21/2/17
Starting point: 28%
Target for this lesson? To get 32% in python
Did I reach my target? (add details to "Lesson Review") No I did not as I was very early into the exercise and didn't finish it within the lesson
Lesson Review
How did I learn? What strategies were effective?
I don't think that this week there was a certain strategy to my success but overall I think I did very well as I was stuck on many parts of code and the reason for others to be in the way that they were.
What limited my learning? Which habits do I need to work on?
this week nothing limited my learning I worked at a normal pace without rushing and always trying my best in the things I was doing even if I had spent 20 minutes on one stage and was getting quite agitated.
What will I change for next time? How will I improve my learning?
Next time I will only change the fact that I hope to not spend >5 minutes on one question as if I do the quality goes down and I get more and more confused.
Written on February 27, 2017