Blog 20
Title: |
New Coding Website |
Date: |
25/3/17 |
Starting point: |
Python2 and the start of it. |
Target for this lesson? |
No real target for this lesson |
Did I reach my target?
(add details to "Lesson Review") |
I didn't really have a target for this lesson as it was a new step and we were just doing parts of code to make certain 'games’ or activities. |
Lesson Review |
How did I learn? What strategies were effective? |
This lesson what I found most helpful was that Mr Keen was going through the work with us and showed us where are mistakes were laying. Also he taught me some things that really benefited me in what we were doing like the 'input' function which I had totally forgot about. |
What limited my learning? Which habits do I need to work on? |
I think what let me down this lesson was that in many subjects I was clueless to what was supposed to be happening and although Mr Keen did say that it was something that would usually be done in GCSE it was still a bit annoying that for most of it I was clueless but luckily now I know what is happening in lots of important code chunks. |
What will I change for next time? How will I improve my learning? |
Next time I will try my best to not get so easily stuck on questions now that I know lots of tactics to get around them and code chunks to make them look neat and tidy. So in conclusion next lesson I just hope that I can work better and just overall do better in the lesson. |
Written on March 27, 2017