Blog 7

Title Space Invaders Animating Date 15/11/16
Starting point: the Start Of Exercise 1-4
Target for this lesson? To Understand the Basics Of Exercise 1-4
Did I reach my target? (add details to "Lesson Review") Yes I did thanks to the instructions on the right side of the page I learnt how to create code such as the ones that we were using.
Lesson Review
How did I learn? What strategies were effective?
I think that I took a lot more time to do the work and read all of the info although I didn't get as far into the exercise as usual but I did learn the basics of how I was supposed to be doing it and what it all meant when finished. This I think overall helped me as usually I skip parts of the writing and don't learn about what I'm writing and what it all means so I think that this was the most beneficial lesson that I’ve had so far.
What limited my learning? Which habits do I need to work on?
I think as my partner Spencer Norways was ill for this lesson it slowed me down and made me a bit more confused but as I was having troubles with that the people next to me who were a bit further ahead showed me what it all meant and that made me more confident and I think perform better even when under pressure of failure.
What will I change for next time? How will I improve my learning?
Hopefully my partner Spencer will be in school next week but for the work and mindset that I was in I don't want to change at all as although in the book I didn't progress that much in what I was actually trying to learn I learnt a lot and I think in the future that will benefit and curse me in a lot of ways.
Written on November 21, 2016