Blog 8

Title Finishing the animation coding. Date 22/11/16
Starting point: ½ of the way through exercise 1-4
Target for this lesson? To get ½ through the Challenge in exercise 1-4
Did I reach my target? (add details to "Lesson Review") Yes I did reach my Target In this Lesson as my partner Spencer who was ill last week helped me do a lot more.
Lesson Review
How did I learn? What strategies were effective?
I think that Teamwork was my most important asset as it helped me develop my skills and get stuff done much quicker and more efficiently like instead of having to do each number really carefully for the character design instead I could trust my partner to do everything correctly. Also teamwork allowed me to easily read all of the parts even though I am a particularly slow reader for example in a 300 page book it can take me anything from 1 to 3 months to finish.
What limited my learning? Which habits do I need to work on?
I think that as at the start of the lesson the thing that hindered me the most was that my code from last week was wrong and although I checked, double checked and triple checked I still couldn't see what was wrong with so although I spent about 10 minutes on trying to fix it I still couldn't and I just moved on to the next part of the exercise which was the Challenge.
What will I change for next time? How will I improve my learning?
I think that I will read every single part of the text as sometimes I skip or just miss out on certain parts for the reason that I am an extremely slow reader and it can hinder me very substantially in not just the reading but also the speed that I can check the work and actually write it all out and try it out.
Written on December 13, 2016