Yr9 Blog 1

Title: First YR9 Lesson with REPL.it Date: 29/11/17
Starting point: First Lesson Back with REPL.IT
Target for this lesson? To get back into remembering the work from last year.
Did I reach my target? (add details to "Lesson Review") Sort of, as I was hoping to be able to get a better grasp on what I was doing but I wasn't as successful an I hoped in the lesson but I should be able to get a better grasp for homework.
Lesson Review
How did I learn? What strategies were effective?
In this lesson, Mr Keen helped me a lot with remembering the basics of the last lesson and subsequently I did learn a lot and get a grasp back on my work. I think that the point that helped me the most was how Mr Keen went through all the work and explained not just how it works but also how it works which overall was very helpful.
What limited my learning? Which habits do I need to work on?
.I think the fact that limited my learning was that i did not do any work over the half term and summer holiday which I definitely shouldn't have done as it did set me behind compared to what I could have done and as well as this I was all in the world of spreadsheets and changing code so quickly did through me off point.
What will I change for next time? How will I improve my learning?
Next time I will not change what I did but after doing the homework I am reconnected with code and I think the work from now will not be as hard. In a certain sense I would say that I have climed one of the hardest parts of the mountain. https://sites.google.com/challoners.org/computing-resources/home Computing Resources.

My Homework

a= “Hy di ho”



while True:

resp1=input(“My name is LIM-BOT what is your name?”)

if resp1.lower() == “liam”:

print("That is a great name " + resp1.lower() + "!")


elif resp1.lower() == “callum”:

print("Wow that's a bad name. Oh wait it is correct")



print("I do not think that is correct.You muppet.")

while True:

resp2=input(“The Question Is.\n How Old Is Santa Claus? Is It:\n” “A: 1\n”“B: Pineapple \n” “C: 100 \n” “D: 1000000\n”)

if resp2.lower() == “b”:

print("That is correct")



print("Why don't you try again. You foolish person!!!")

while True:

resp3=input(“The Question Is.\n What is the biggest country on Earth? Is It:\n” “A: Russia\n” “B: Australia\n” “C: America\n” “D: How should I know\n”)

if resp3.lower() == “d”:

print("That is my guess")



print("Maybe your right but anyway you should try again.")

while True:

resp4=input(“The Question Is.\n How cool is my Big Brother? Is It:\n” “A: not cool\n”“B: cool \n” “C: Fish-tastic \n” “D: super-duper cool.\n”)

if resp4.lower() == “c”:

print("You're Right.")



print("On what world do you think that you are correct.")

print(“Congratulations you beat LIM-BOT’s hard test you are officially a genius”)

Written on December 5, 2017